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Solar panel technicians

Experience stories

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Things are chosen for the long term

"Years ago, I kept fifteen family cars in the garage, which can also be heated in the winter. I was surprised how quickly all the irons and assemblies of the car "rotted". Then I started keeping them in the backyard, but I'm not really satisfied that in the winter I have to clean the snow from the car and scrape the ice from the windows, but in the summer I have to get into a heated car. That's how I came to the point that I need a canopy. This year I bought an electric car, and it was clear that I also need my own charging at home - so the shed must have a solar panel roof!" Guntars Līcis, a dobelian, tells about why he chose and installed "SolarCarport" awnings in his yard. He considers himself a very practical person - in major purchases, he chooses only those things that serve in the long term and do not require unnecessary maintenance. "Under this awning, you can park a car, charge its battery or use energy for the house, drink tea, beer or do nothing there - the panels raised far above the ground do not disturb anyone! I also definitely count on the fact that the support structures made of composite materials will not require additional care for me for decades to come - they will not need to be repainted or replaced. Even if I didn't have an electric car now, I would definitely choose such a canopy - if it ever needs a cover, why not make it from panels that produce electricity? Panels on the roof? I will never put it on my house - then I would need a different layout and covering. All kinds of experts can tell me whatever they want, but the roof has to be repaired in any case. The canopy can also leak - nothing crazy, but I certainly wouldn't want it to start leaking in the attic of the house over time," assesses practical landlord Guntars.


I charge the car batteries at home and drive for free

"We are an ecologically and rationally thinking family, so we have had several electric machines in our yard for a long time. Seven years ago, I constructed the solar panel canopy myself, and I have already repaid this investment," radio engineer Edmunds Zālīte shares his experience.

Edmunds lives on the outskirts of Riga and uses electric cars for both work and leisure trips. "Like the SolarCarportLV model, the roof of my shed is made of 16 solar panels. They are older, less powerful than "Solyco" solar panels, which are installed by "SolarCarportLV". The maximum power of mine is 4000 W, but this is also enough to charge the batteries of my electric cars from 10% to the optimal 80% at home in good weather conditions within 4-6 hours. Four are enough for the small "Mitsubishi MiEV", five for the work pickup "Nissan e-nv200", but the S-class "Tesla" needs all six hours to charge.

Since I have already paid back my canopy, driving and transport costs with home charging now cost me nothing. "SolarCarportLV" awnings, which have a power of 5600 W, can pay for themselves even in five years at current electricity prices. Calculating the "depreciation" of the investment, the average expenses per 100 km during this period would not exceed 4 euros, and then - charge and drive for free!"


 This is the right moment!

Toms Nāburgs,  Head of the Latvian Wind Energy Association in the TV24 program (03/07/2022), speaking  about renewable energy solutions:

I calculate that in the next five years the electricity prices will be such that I will definitely pay back the equipment in the next 5-7 years. I don't have a special excel, even I, who am in this business, cannot predict exactly what the prices will be in the next five years, but they will be high. So anyone who can self-generate or invest right now, do it because now is the right time.

Зарядное устройство для электромобилей

Freedom from price fluctuations - only with your own electricity!

The charging price of "E-mobi" electric cars has increased more than three times:

In Latvia's largest "e-mobi" charging network created and managed by CSDD, charging an electric car cost 15 cents per charging minute until mid-September. It was significantly cheaper than what we paid for electricity from the grid at home. Now the situation has changed drastically, charging minute "e-mobi" costs 53 cents. At that price, driving 100 km in a charged station with an electric car is now more expensive (on average from 3.5 euros to 13 euros) than with gasoline and diesel cars, even at the current ones (on average 10 euros).

Car expert, journalist Atis Jansons (, 21.09.2021) assesses how electric car owners can avoid the current fluctuations in battery prices: "I have long believed, tried to prove in discussions, explain in articles, that with the current rather weak charging infrastructure, electric cars are unnecessary can only be used by those whose daily needs with a margin fall within a radius of over a hundred kilometers, who can charge at their home or workplace connection.

If you don't have such an option, the CSDD's new price list will swallow up the seemingly generous electric car purchase subsidy in a couple of years, and you will start to seriously pay extra for your small emission reduction. Because you had counted on 3.5 euros per 100 km, or 700 euros per year (20,000 km). You got 13 euros per 100 km or 2600 euros per year. And you lost almost half of the state purchase grant..."

Спортивный автомобиль

Without its own charging, the point of buying an electric car is lost

"SolarCarportLV" has already informed that with the recent government decision on changes in the price list of electric car network (CSDD) charging stations in Latvia, the operation of an electric car without its own charging and micro-generation station has become less profitable than driving a traditional internal combustion engine car - even at the current, relatively high fossil fuel prices.
Electric car owners are worried about the tripling of the price of charging in the public network, because the point of using an electric car has been lost. Also acquisitions, because these means of transport are significantly more expensive than traditional cars. A signature collection initiative has started on the portal "manabalss" in order to change this situation and reduce charging prices, so that, as before, the public charging network will receive significant state grants.

The promoters of the initiative are worried that short-term economic considerations have prevailed over the country's long-term green policy. Here is a reminder that in December 2019, the European Commission issued a statement on the European Green Course. Its goal is to achieve a climate-neutral environment, a just and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy in the EU. Within the framework of the Green Course, the achievement of specific results in 2030 and 2050 has been determined. The goals apply to all EU member states, including Latvia, which has signed relevant commitment agreements and prepared support programs for their achievement.

In order to achieve the climate neutrality goals of the Green Course in the transport sector, grants for the purchase of electric cars are currently available to the citizens of Latvia. As we can see now, even in the future, in the changing price of electricity, there is no state subsidy for price stabilization in the public charging network, and there probably won't be. However, the state support program for the installation of solar panel micro-generation stations for private house owners is still open at the moment. The "SolarCarportLV" canopy model also fully meets the criteria for receiving support (for general information about eligibility for the grant, read the "For a Private house" section of our portal), which ensures stability in the rapidly changing energy resource price mess.

With state support, buy a personal electric car and install your own electricity production and charging station at home, independent of stock market fluctuations! Do not delay - the right time is now. The sun and light will work for you even on autumn and winter days!

Станция зарядки электромобилей

How to cherish your electric car

According to the plans of the European Union, electric engines will be the only technology on the market of new cars in the foreseeable future. However, electric cars are still unknown territory for the majority of Latvian residents, so various expert recommendations are useful. "Skandi Motors" service master Mārtiņš Vilkājs shared his experience on how to treat your electric car so that it serves as long as possible.

Standard charging – more gentle on the battery
In order for the battery to operate at maximum capacity for as long as possible, the electric car should be charged at standard charging stations as much as possible. One or three phases - not so important.
At fast charging stations, the battery of an electric car is charged at a tremendous speed - it can be charged up to 80% in about 40 minutes. However, fast charging also heats up the battery considerably, and electric car batteries do not like heat. It is not for nothing that they wear out faster in warm countries than here. These batteries tolerate cold much better than excessively high temperatures. This does not mean that fast charging should not be used, but it is better to save it for special occasions and live with standard charging in everyday life.

Any battery loses power over time, and when it reaches a certain level of wear and tear, it will be possible to drive a shorter distance with a full battery than is intended for a new electric car.

You will drive more smoothly - you will get further
One of the most common mistakes made by electric car drivers is uneven driving with sharp accelerations and rapid braking. Any car likes to be driven smoothly. A car with an internal combustion engine also consumes less fuel if the driver does not jerk it, and the same applies to an electric car.

The higher the discharge rate, the faster the battery will drain. Constantly driving in a sporty style, the battery heats up more and deteriorates faster. You also don't have to drive slowly like a snail, but smoothly. During the braking of an electric car, the motor recuperates or returns to the battery. When the flood is braked, the battery is recharged. If the braking is too rapid, the standard brakes will be applied and the recuperation cannot be recovered to 100%.

For a car with an internal combustion engine, the most economical option for fuel consumption is smooth driving on the highway at an average speed of 90 km/h, and fuel consumption increases in city traffic. With an electric car, everything is the other way around: consumption is lower in the city, higher on the highway. Air resistance is also an important factor in battery consumption: the lower it is, the lower the consumption, and even a 10 km/h speed difference can have its role.

Ideal charge - no more than 80%
Another recommendation for the electric car battery to last as long as possible is to observe the optimal amount of charging, namely between 20-80%. This means charging the battery no more than 80%, unless the planned distance and route require a 100% charge. Most of the time a 100% charge is not needed at all.
Up to 80% of cars can be charged quickly, but after that the charging speed drops sharply. The healthiest for the battery is charging in the range of 20-80%, because - like any engine or mechanism, an electric car does not like overloading.

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